Climate change is real, not a hoax, unfortunately.
Published on February 23, 2004 By EMacy In Current Events
It's no hoax_unfortunately.

"A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world."

Are corporations more important than life itself? Are their practices more vital than clean air? I am not an alarmist or any of the stereotypes usually associated with a green warrior, just someone who is witnessing climate change, with own eyes. It's happening already. Why are corporations with Granfathered rights continually allowed to burn fossil fuels, at dangerous EPA levels. Because they pay-off the government, in the form of annual contrubutions, to insure their dirty practices. And they get away with it.
Committing to global treaties, in an effort to atleast_reduce the harmful gasses and limit the amount thrust into the air ( which, is a global commodity_you poison the air there_people suffer elsewhere)will restore America's reputation and lead the world in slowing down this process that will make inhabitation of this planet far more difficult in generations to come.
2020_my youngest will be 30, too young to die.

on Feb 23, 2004

And instead of posting the whole memo, they just hint at what is in it? None of the mainstream environmental activist sites seem to be carrying this, either. Don't you find that odd? You leak something of this magnitude and send it to... the observer?

You're gullible, but I guess that is better than being bitter and jaded like me.  Careful or you'll start looking like your far-right cousins and start hoarding supplies and ammunition for the apocalypse.    I'm just kiddin.  I do think that sometimes you believe stuff just because it *isn't* mainstream, though.

Climate has been changing since there has been a climate. We have had ice ages countless times with no evil corporations pumping stuff into the air. The last one ended 10k years ago, and no one seems to be able to pin down exactly what causes them. Monkey farts? Nah.

I'll take your word for it and set aside some mohawk hair gel and some football pads so I will have the 'Road Warrior' chic, but if I were you I wouldn't believe everything I read. Oooo, maybe i'll get a crossbow!

on Feb 23, 2004
I see it and feel the changes_no need to read about it. Just because it's " not popular" to understand climate change in America_doesn't mean that other countries practice burying their heads in the sand.
America can't afford to TELL the people they are killing their own citizens.
Yes, Climate change is natural_the last "mini" ice age here wasn't but 600+ - years ago.
Here our existence is owed to DYKES, a system of reclaiming land___and they are cracking from the inside out due to erratic climate change.
What you say about hoarding_is a real possibility_of course the US will take care its self as per tradition ( I see she is already hoarding the worlds oil supply)
You can't do this much damage to an organsim ( as we humans have done over 100 years) and not expect some consequence. The earth is an organism, she lives.....but we are killing it.
But hey_as long as your profits are not affected_or you are not subjected to floods or siberian temps. You're need to worry. That's a bit naive is it not?
on Feb 23, 2004
Well, I think the naive part is accepting the idea what many of these nations are trying to accomplish is ecological.

The fact is, many of these nations are about the size of a small US state, and have next to no industrial economy at all. Imagine a small shoemaker that makes his shoes by hand, demanding that the shoe factory next door spend billions to clean up their act. Sure, he could be consciencous, but he stands to benefit a great deal from their hardship as well. If they employ millions who would suffer, it is difficult to bow to him just on principle.

These changes that are being demanded would effect most nations very little, but they would effect heavy industrial nations a great deal. Some industrial processes simply have no equivalent that would meet the strongest requirements. Industry = jobs. Industry = a strong dollar. A strong dollar annoys people who don't spend dollars.

I don't think most of these governments give a fig about the environment, rather it is just another way to limit what they consider to be the US's overwhelming economical influence.

There's a little of my own paranoia for ya
on Feb 23, 2004
stop that Bakerstreet I might end up liking you.
I had this stars in your eyes idea that my country of birth could lead the way and DEMAND the changes required to stop burning dirty fuel ( or serverely limit this practice ) Profits are the key priority, however if America insisted strict adherance she would be taking a lead role.
There is money to be made in finding solutions too_a whole industry could be created cleaning up an outdated, dirty business ( in whatever country )
on Feb 23, 2004
Great post and it's good to see you back!! But who is responsible for confusing my middle aged brain? Why are you now YanKeesMacy ?
on Feb 24, 2004
It was a glitch in the service/// Wise Fawn, I am back to E again...or will be after this commercial break.
The word Yankees_is said to have started in New Amsterdam, Mothers would call their sons for dinner ( first borns are always "Jan" and " Kees" is a very common Dutch name---so the Ma would holler " Yannnnnnnnnnnnnn- Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees" and the word Yankees was born.
Thats one version anyway_Thanks for commenting.