Glasgow's Franz Ferdinands new single...
Published on July 14, 2004 By EMacy In Blogging

Can you imagine setting up a communal blog? I thought it'd be cool_varied opinions all given a forum, under the blanket of one big blog run by our host here at the JU site.
I guess the ideologues on board this site have Ways of dealing with pesky pro-choice, anti-murder people...Kinda'akin to spamming a CNN poll to favor you malicious radical conservatives. Or singling out someone via and making their life miserable because they dare to oppose your white -is -black, black- is- white and grey doesn't exist thinking.
I thought even opinions that skewed sharply with our host's would be given equal coverage, equal treatment. If they disapprove of one's opinion they have Full Right to excercise their censorship. OK. If you are not favored by the sites hosts or your opinion represents "the other side" they'll fuck with your blog page.
Without saying a fucking word. But they know I...whom they have pegged as an Evil Troll, don't care.Just read any of BW's analytical stereotypes for all of his parasites that come here to feed. If the host tape worm doesn't like you or if you disagree with it's system of obedience....strange things may happen.

but only the shadow knows. It's because I am fiercely opposed to US meddling in foreign policies, blind support for the murdering-bunch in and around The JUish State.
and I love the USA. How is this possible? I love her and I hate her...blow me if I know but it is this way because I say it is and nobody will read this page, anyway so I could say/write all kinds of stuff...

Sometimes I come here to gage the idiotrometer or the compassion of an average JoeBlow (like me?) and read such crap like What A gReat Job Bush Is Doing...and it makes me wanna puke but we are entitled to our opinions. How anyone could spout such non-truths is beyond me.They have this idea that if you say it 5 times, a lie that is, then it will become the(ier) truth and this platform of BW's is perfect for the average joeblow because that's the target market: JouUser. Blogs for the average Joe.
"Long haired freaky people need not apply" is what they really meant.
Wonder how much he gets for selling our email addresses to data bases?
Inside USA
The US is a sovereign land and inside her borders she can make whatever Fatherland domestic security rules she likes, GREAT, inside her borders and nobody outside of them, least of all me, can say a damn word about it_they elect them, they choose them, they agree to be led down the path to the slaughter like lambs... If your so-called leaders decide to cancel or meddle with the last bastion of democracy or the elections then you have conceded 100% to fascism with martial law soon to follow...great, inside YOUR borders.
I don't care if all of you are signing away your chastitiy and wearing silver rings around your penises or peirced to your tongues, If it works for ya'GREAT. Just don't attach the same Christian Conservative STRINGS to the rest of the world or disguised like carrotts on a stick in the form of aid packages in Africa with catchy slogans:
C, children, is for C O N D O M S ( but they don't work says the Catholic Church_more LIES preached to the ignoprant, supported by you Catholic Chucrh People, as if !!that lot has anything to say about sexual practices!!!!)
No condoms or talk of condoms as in SAFE SEX except in the most dire of circumstances..(?) as if women/men have a choice if their partners use a condom or not.
no mention of the A ( b-o-r-t -i -o -n ) word as a possible choice or how or where to receive this help. TABOO the A word. unless it's abstaining from sex. There are stains in abstainenece.
Anyway coming from the earths Teenage Pregnancy Capital ---it appears not to work very well. However Prez has issued orders for statistics NOT TO BE COUNTED ANYMORE so certainty of its failures or successes will be difficult to monitor.
will not be counted anymore...

Kinda like the vote in the US they too are not all counted.

4 more years of BUSH, kiss democracy goodbye. The Vote is a bastion of democracy. If it is fucked with, date changed, cancelled et al this spells TOTALITARIANISM
a revolution is required but BUSH&co. have made assembly and peaceful protest all but illegal.

Scruff of the neck... comes to mind.

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