(Hypocites in Human Rights)
Published on March 1, 2004 By EMacy In Current Events
source:Haaretz(excerpt... from Haaretz Newspaper_written by : Gideon Levy )

U.S. has lost its moral right to preach

"Last Wednesday, the U.S. State Department released its annual report on the state of human rights around the world. The chapter devoted to Israel makes the usual detailed and gloomy reading. Washington is critical of all the ills of the occupation, about which the human rights organizations and Israel have long since raised a hue and cry. On the one hand, it will now be hard to claim here that criticism of Israel emanates only from those who hate the country; now even its great friend is pointing a finger of accusation at the administrative detentions (arrest without trial), the mass demolition of houses, the light finger on the trigger, the targeted assassinations, the torture by the Shin Bet security service (which hasn't stopped, according to the report), the deprivation of freedom of movement, the uprooting of trees, and the discrimination against Israel's Arab citizens. From this partial point of view, the report is important.

The other side, however, is that the United States has by its own hand lost its moral right to preach to any country in connection with human rights. To begin with, since 1976, no fewer than 820 people - 35 percent of them blacks - have been executed in the United States. About 43.6 million Americans don't have medical insurance, among them about 8.5 million children. That in itself should stop the U.S. from speaking in the name of justice.
Second, the State Department, which authored the report, represents a state that tramples human rights more than most others. The policeman of the world is naked, especially after Sept. 11, 2001, when security in the United States became - as it is in Israel - a supreme value above all others. In the United States, exactly as in Israel, human rights have become a nuisance, an obstacle to security. According to the organization Human Rights Watch, the United States arrested about 1,000 people after the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, crassly violating their legal rights.

As for the situation in Israel: The United States bears direct responsibility for the violations of human rights in this country.
A country that launched pernicious wars of occupation, such as it did in Iraq and Afghanistan, cannot be a beacon of justice. A country that is making use, in Iraq, of veterans of the most brutal assassination units of the apartheid regime in South Africa - as the Jewish-American weekly Forward reported this week - has no moral right to talk about human rights."

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 04, 2004
Bowling for Columbine was best foreign film of the year in France.
It was edited to the teeth_and even you should know Moore is an entertainer..who has opened a can of stomp.
thanks for commenting.
on Mar 04, 2004
Isn't the BBC owned by the government?
on Mar 06, 2004
super baby_no, it receives a charter from the gov't _the British pay a lisensing fee yearly.
on Mar 06, 2004
I do look at things from both sides. Half my life was spent in the US_the other half here...sorry if I tend to tell the truth about my native land, I guess it's like calling a nigger a nigger isn't it.

No sense in dressing up the truth about America_there are great things about America, true_but HUman Rights adherence isn't one of them. Guantanamo Bay is the biggest farce since Hitlaer's day's of concentraion camps_this is no different.
on Mar 06, 2004
E.Macy: Don't leave. I like your posts, and even though you get a lot of flak here - you're not alone.
on Mar 06, 2004
super baby_no, it receives a charter from the gov't _the British pay a lisensing fee yearly.

So by receiving all of its money from the government, the government doesn't influence it in any way?
on Mar 06, 2004
ha of course they loved it in France, Bowling for Columbine is exactly what Europeans want to see. The reason I made a reference to it is to show the amount of media we have in the states my friend
on Mar 06, 2004
oh and it is psychX not psychix
on Mar 07, 2004
super babe, you didn't watch the Hutton trials did ya.....BBC took the government's " intell. " on war to court. BBC is quite independent of government influences.

PsychX_OK...Tell me if you saw the movie: September 11? A great collection of 11 short films by 11 directors_ did you see it?
(no_ because your government decided you wern't allowed to._Censored. Oh and are you watching The Reagans??? I am_why aren't you? This series The Reagans would KILL the REPUB campaign and it's clear why you are not allowed to see it ( the truth hurts)

yeah yeah Bakerstreet_ did you see the boys getting stoned in Karbala, Iraq. Talk about casting stones.

corio_Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me here_on Joe Users and Abusers. I see I am not alone in the flack department. I don't do this for brownie points.

Hope you have a fine Sunday.
on Mar 07, 2004
E. Macy that is one thing we agree on the ridiculous censorship that the media sometimes places on certain things. You are right on that but it doesn't change the fact that media in the U.S. is a huge part of Americans lives, now whether that is positive or negative is not an argument I am trying to make.
on Mar 07, 2004
super babe, you didn't watch the Hutton trials did ya.....BBC took the government's " intell. " on war to court. BBC is quite independent of government influences.

I guess that's why America's media isn't as free fo government influence. It reports things rather than sues over them.
on Mar 08, 2004

China most certainly does not have any moral authority to preach to the US or anyone on human right abuses.

But it didn't. it replied to the US's annual report which critised China, quite rightly pointing out that the US also has some major human right abuses to deal with.

This does NOT lessen the abysmal record of China on human rights issues. Just because a country makes a single good point about the US does not invalidate any negative points about it. I'm surprised to think that anyone would believe that was what E.Macy was suggesting.

This article however is about the US's interaction with Israel and the human right abuses going on there.

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